Information Systems & Management
Chemnitz University of Technology
Prof. Dr. Peter Loos

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Dr. Christian Scheer

Photo of Chris Scheer

Contact details

Telefon: +49/371/531-4855 or +49/89/382-33802
Telefax: +49/371/531-4376

Visitor address

Technische Universität Chemnitz
Professur Wirtschaftsinformatik II
Reichenhainer Str. 39
D-09126 Chemnitz, Germany
Room 105

Postal address

Technische Universität Chemnitz
Professur Wirtschaftsinformatik II
Dipl.-Betriebswirt (FH) Christian Scheer
D-09107 Chemnitz, Germany

Personal data

Born in Schweinfurt, Germany, in 1976.

Received Diploma (Business Economist) in Business Economics (special subject: Management and Controlling) from the University of Applied Sciences in Aschaffenburg, Germany, in August 1999.

Working for BMW Group, Munich, in the IT Development and IT Process Consulting department since 1999-09-01.

Since 2000-08-01 research assistant at the chair of Information Systems II, Faculty of Economics, Chemnitz University of Technology, Germany.

See also my personal website.

Research interests

Completed projects

1998 Developing a database with user interface to generate controlling information for the Fraunhofer Center for Research in Computer Graphics, Inc., Providence, USA.

1999 Studying the change of science in controlling and developing an intranet application to assist this change of science at the BMW Group, Munich, Germany.

2001 Lecture note "e-financial services" for virtual university

2002 Project "virtual reality environment for virtual banking"

Current projects



Scientific Publications

Scheer, C. (1999): Unterstützung des Wandels im Controlling durch die Intranet-Technologie. Diploma thesis, BMW Group, Munich, Germany.

Fettke, P.; Loos, P.; Scheer, C. (2001): Entwicklungen in der elektronischen Finanzdienstleistungswirtschaft. Working Papers of the Research Group Information Systems & Management (ISSN 1617-6324 (print version), ISSN 1617-6332 (Internet version)), Paper 4, Chemnitz, Germany. (PDF-Version) (Monarch)

Scheer, C.; Loos, P. (2002): Internetbasierte Geschäftsmodelle - Neue Möglichkeiten der Wertschöpfungsorganisation in der Internet-Ökonomie. In: Dangelmaier, W., Emmrich, A., Kaschula, D. (Ed.): Modelle im E-Business, pp. 27-38, ISBN 3-931466-97-3, ALB-HNI-Verlag, Paderborn, Germany. (PDF-Version)

Scheer, C.; Loos, P. (2002): Concepts of Customer Orientation - Internet Business Model for Customer-Driven Output. In: Wrycza, S. (Ed.): Proceedings of the 10th European Conference on Information Systems, pp. 573-581, ISBN 83-7326-077-3, Gdansk, Poland. (PDF-Version)

Scheer, C.; Loos, P. (2002): Customer-Orientied Products and Services - Classification, Discussion of Traditional and Suggestion of an Internet-Based Business Model. In: Proceedings of the 3rd International ICSC Symposium on Engineering of Intelligent Systems (EIS), Workshop on Information Systems for Mass Customization (ISMC), Malaga, Spain.

Scheer, C.; Theling, T.; Loos, P. (2002): Information Interface Classification of Actors in Supply Chains. In: Proceedings of Eighth Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS), pp. 890-898, Dallas, USA. (PDF-Version) (AMCIS 2002 Papers)

Scheer, C.; Loos, P. (2002): Kundenschnittstelle zur Spezifikation kundenorientierter Leistungen im Internetvertrieb - Fachliche Anforderungen und informationstechnische Implikationen. In: Loos, P.; Gronau, N. (Hrsg.): E-Business - Integration industrieller ERP-Architekturen. Multi-Konferenz Wirtschaftsinformatik 2002 in Nuernberg, pp. 137-151, ISBN 3-89873-524-9, Cuvillier Verlag, Göttingen, Germany. (PDF-Version)

Bensing, S.; Fischer, T.; Hansen, T.; Kutzschbauch, S.; Loos, P.; Scheer, C. (2002): Bankfiliale in der Virtuellen Realität - Eine Technologiestudie. Working Papers of the Research Group Information Systems & Management (ISSN 1617-6324 (print version), ISSN 1617-6332 (Internet version)), Paper 8, Chemnitz, Germany. (PDF-Version) (Monarch)

See also in the publications database...


Scheer, C. (2002): Wertschöpfung in der Internet-Ökonomie. 4. Paderborner Frühjahrstagung, Modelle im E-Business, Fraunhofer Anwendungszentrum Logistikorientierte Betriebswirtschaft, 2002-04-11, Paderborn, Germany. (PDF-Version)

Scheer, C. (2002): Factors Influencing Electronic Commerce. Session chair within track "Digital economy - models for e-business and m-business". 10th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS), 2002-06-08, Gdansk, Poland.

Scheer, C. (2002): Concepts of Customer Orientation - Internet Business Model for Customer-Driven Output. 10th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS), 2002-06-07, Gdansk, Poland. (PDF-Version)

Bensing, S.; Fischer, T.; Hansen, T.; Kutzschbauch, S.; Scheer, C. (2002): Prototypische Implementierung einer Bankfiliale in der virtuellen Realität - Eine Technologiestudie, 2002-06-19, Chemnitz, Germany. (PDF-Version)

Supervised diploma theses


Scheer, C. (2000): STS Personalarbeit, 1999. In: Businessvillage, Chemnitz.

Scheer, C. (2000): Braun, Torsten: IPnG, Neue Internet-Dienste und virtuelle Netze. Protokolle, Programmierung und Internetworking, 1999. In: Businessvillage, Chemnitz.

Scheer, C. (2001): Mühlbrandt, F.: Wirtschaftslexikon. Cornelsen, Berlin, 1999. In: Businessvillage, Chemnitz.

Scheer, C. (2001): Olfert, K.; Rahn, H.-J.: Lexikon der Betriebswirtschaftlehre. Kiehl, Ludwigshafen, 2000. In: Businessvillage, Chemnitz.

Scheer, C. (2001): Däumler, K.; Grabe, J.: Kostenrechnungs- und Controllinglexikon. NWB, Herne/Berlin, 2000. In: Businessvillage, Chemnitz.

Scheer, C. (2001): Österle, H.; Fleisch, E.; Alt, R.: Business Networking. Shaping Enterprise Relationships on the Internet. Springer, Berlin et al., 2000. In: Businessvillage, Chemnitz.

Scheer, C. (2001): Cantor, M. R.: Object-Oriented Project Management with UML. Wiley, New York et al., 1998. In: Businessvillage, Chemnitz.

Scheer, C. (2001): Kosiur, D.: Building and Managing Virtual Private Networks. Wiley, New York et al., 1998. In: Businessvillage, Chemnitz.

Scheer, C. (2001): Minoli, D.; Schmidt, A.: Internet Architectures. Wiley, New York et al., 1998. In: Businessvillage, Chemnitz.

Scheer, C. (2001): Eggert, A.; Fassott, G. (Hrsg.): eCRM - Electronic Customer Relationship Management. Schäffer-Poeschel, Stuttgart, 2001. In: Businessvillage, Chemnitz.

Scheer, C. (2001): Becker, J., König, W.; Schütte, R.; Wendt, O.; Zelewski, S. (Hrsg.): Wirtschaftsinformatik und Wissenschaftstheorie. Gabler, Wiesbaden, 1999. In: Businessvillage, Chemnitz.